Ten years ago, I founded Cassie’s Cardinals with a dream to give families reliable and trusted care. Growing up on my father’s farm in Ohio, you could say a career in caregiving was my destiny. At a very young age, I helped my parents care for our animals and the land, teaching me the value of hard work.
To put myself through college at Otterbein University, I took on as many on-demand jobs as possible – from waitressing, tennis instructing, nannying, caring for elderly patients and working my mom’s horse camp as an instructor, I did it all. But the stars aligned when I met Leo, a little boy who’d traveled from Italy to Columbus, Ohio for specialized medical care.
Leo was unlike any person I had ever cared for. After hours in the hospital undergoing endless surgeries, he still had a contagious positive spirit. When he had the energy and I had his parent’s permission, we would go out to my father’s farm and ride horses, tractors, four wheelers, swim and play sports.
For six years, I received the honor to care for Leo and when he passed at the young age of 10, I knew I could help more families.
With Leo’s spirit by my side, I am so grateful to have received the privilege to work with over 1,500+ families and corporations across the United States for the last decade.
It’s my goal to make your life easier, because just like I learned on the farm, caring for our loved ones is a team effort and our work is never done.
I look forward to working with you and having your family join Cassie’s Cardinals!
In loving memory of Leo,
Cassie Brungarth
To Leonardo: Forever in my heart. 2/3/2005-2/17/2015

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart.” – Helen Keller
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